Who Was at Fault in My Car Accident?
When a motor vehicle accident takes place, your first thought isn’t always the cause of the accident!
You’re concerned about if you’re physically okay – if you were traveling with passengers, are they physically okay? How badly was your motor vehicle damaged?
Can it be repaired or was it totally destroyed? Do I have the number for a tow-truck? When will the police arrive?
It’s common practice for any individual’s mind to cycle through these types of thoughts in the moments after an impact.
However, that doesn’t mean that larger issues shouldn’t be revisited quickly after you’ve answered the more immediate questions.
Understanding and proving the fault of a motor vehicle accident can be increasingly hard and should be handled by an experienced group of motor vehicle accident attorneys.
Our Team of Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyers Will Work to Prove Your Case!
Our personal injury attorneys have experience in handling motor vehicle accident claims all across the Washington D.C. area.
What Are the Laws in Washington D.C.?
The world of motor vehicle accidents is quite complex, but understanding how to navigate it is something that our attorneys can do to help you or your loved ones.
Washington D.C. itself is currently a part of a five-state group that still uses the equation of contributory negligence versus comparative negligence when ultimately determining how much in damages a plaintiff can recover after an accident.
Under this type of law, if you or a loved one was only 5% at fault for a motor vehicle accident, you may, unfortunately, become barred from receiving any type of compensation or relief.
Depending on the laws of your state, negligence can either reduce the total number of damages available to you in a personal injury lawsuit or entirely bar you from any recovery.
If the defense can prove you contributed to the accident by speeding, disregarding traffic signals, or driving recklessly, your right to recover damages may be in jeopardy.
It is essential that you hire an aggressive and committed attorney in your area to investigate your case and assemble the evidence you need to win.
Washington D.C. Motor Vehicle Accident Attorneys Ready to Help Any People Injured by Negligence.
Call Lawfty Law Today! (202) 866-2112
Schedule a Free Consultation with Lawfty Law
Our Washington D.C. Accident Attorneys Are Proud to Help Anyone Injured in a Motor Vehicle Accident!
Since 2013, the attorneys at Lawfty Law have recovered millions of dollars for Washington D.C. accident victims.
If you or someone you love has been injured in a motor vehicle accident and suspect that someone’s negligence is to blame, you may be entitled to compensation!
Sign up for a free attorney consultation using the form below, and speak with us about your accident.
The consultation is always free, and so is the peace of mind that follows.
Five Tips to Take Better Accident Scene Photos!
We all know the saying: a picture is worth a thousand words.
But sometimes, and especially after a motor vehicle accident, a picture, or a few pictures could save you thousands of dollars.
Nowadays, with the way technology is distributed, for the most part, we all have cameras attached to our phones, and our phones never seem to leave our side. But snapping a few blurry photos after you’ve been involved in an accident doesn’t work as well as you’d think.
Taking the time to capture some high-quality photographs of the accident scene and the damage can tremendously help you, and your attorney prove what exactly took place. The pictures will not only help with accident reconstruction, but can also be helpful in showing a bigger picture of the events that transpired – and, proving liability.
1) Take Pictures of the Entire Scene:
When attempting to document the scene of your accident, it’s best to remember not to get too close!
Make sure that you leave yourself some room, and take a few steps back from the actual area so that the entirety of what you’re looking at fits into the camera frame. From there, it’s key to keep taking pictures from various different angles, until you’ve covered the entire proximity of the accident.
2) Take Pictures of the Vehicles Involved:
This is obvious, but sadly, sometimes, people that we speak to forget this needs to be done!
If you, or someone you love has been involved in an accident, it’s important to take photos of both vehicles. That means not only where the damage took place, but also of the license plates, and both vehicles from a distance. It’s also important to remember to photograph debris in which fell off of either car.
It may also be helpful to take pictures of the other driver’s information, as often times, in the commotion of the situation, you may forget that it needed to be documented – remember, one step at a time and it will all be alright! We’re here to help.
3) Take Photos of Any and Every Contributing Factor:
After a motor vehicle accident, it’s quite common for someone to point out contributing factors.
“Well, the light at the intersection was out and I didn’t know.”
“It’s all because of that pothole back there, it wasn’t my fault.”
That may very well be true, but sadly, most people forget to take photos of these things at the accident scene.
It’s important to document any types of road signs, construction signs, potholes, broken curbs, and broken traffic lights that played a part in the accident taking place. Without these images, it may be difficult for you and your attorney to prove your case in court.
It’s also important to take photos of skid-marks or other key markings at the scene itself so that your attorney can recreate the picture with no problems.
4) Place an Object in Photos for Scale:
If you’re trying to capture an image and you find that it’s too small, and your point is being made, trying placing an item next to it for scale.
For smaller items, you can try a quarter, or a nickel, maybe even a key or a pad lock.
For larger items, try asking a friend or a family member to stand in the picture and use them as a marker to show the intended scale – it may sound funny, but it could be a major factor in proving liability down the road.
5) Always Photograph Injuries
This is probably quite obvious to some, but it does need to be repeated.
If you or someone you love was involved in a motor vehicle accident and suffered injuries as a result – please make sure to document it.
It’s incredibly difficult to make a case for injuries if there are no records and/or photographs of them to be found.
Schedule a Free Consultation with Lawfty Law Today!
Since 2013, the attorneys at Lawfty Law have recovered millions of dollars for Washington D.C. accident victims.
If you or a loved one has been injured in a slip and fall accident and suspect that someone’s negligence is to blame, you may be entitled to compensation!
Sign up for a free attorney consultation using the form below, and speak with us about your accident today.
The consultation is always free, and so is the peace of mind that follows.
For immediate assistance, please call us at (202) 335-4854. Thanks!
Sign Up Below!
Slip & Fall Accidents: Dos and Don’ts!
With the change in season comes weather-related accidents like slip and falls.
Whether it happens at work, at home, at someone else’s home, or in public, slip-and-fall accidents can result in serious, life-threatening injuries and major financial losses. If you or a loved one has been involved in a slip and fall accident, the ability to recover financial compensation depends on several key factors.
It’s important to have a team of trusted and knowledgeable attorneys like Lawfty Law on your side to ensure you get the compensation you deserve.
Types of Slip and Fall Accidents
There are many types of slip and fall accidents. Here are some of the types of slip-and-fall cases that Lawfty Law has handled in the past:
- Staircases, Escalators, Elevators
- Sidewalks & Walkways
- Wet Floors (Workplace/Public)
- Parking Lots
- Unsafe Worksites
- Worn or Raised Flooring
Although these types of slip-and-fall accidents sound different, they all revolve around the same claim – negligence on behalf of the responsible party (property owners, general contractors, or janitorial service companies, among others).
Slip and fall accidents are rooted in one of two types of liability:
- Premises Liability: One type of liability is the failure of the property owner(s) to willingly address and rectify any potential hazards that could endanger the safety and well-being of persons on their property.
- Labor Law Liability: The second type of liability is the failure to provide a safe working environment or working conditions for employees.
Lawfty Law attorneys have pursued hundreds of slip and fall claims. With that experience, they can determine who was responsible, how they were negligent, and how your claim can be turned into money in your pocket.
5 Things to Do After a Slip & Fall Accident
- Seek Medical Attention: Our attorneys have heard it a million times – “I’m okay, I can tough it out” or “I feel fine, don’t worry, I’ll be okay.” While you may feel fine immediately after the accident or think you’re able to tough it out, we cannot stress enough the importance of seeking medical attention whether it’s from the ER, your primary care physician, or through an urgent care walk-in clinic. It’s hard to claim you are injured if you never sought medical treatment.
- Report the Accident: As soon as a slip & fall accident has taken place, it’s crucial that you report it to whoever owns or operates the property. It could be a store owner, a landlord, or a property manager, but it’s important that they document your accident and give you a copy of it for your records. It may also be important to call your local police department and have a police report filed as well.
- Take Pictures of the Accident Scene: It’s also essential to document the scene of the accident. Take photos of what caused you to slip and fall, and write down exactly what happened, and the time it occurred. If there were any witnesses, get their account of the events as well, and their contact information if possible. Keep this information in a safe place; your attorneys will undoubtedly need and use this information in the course of your legal action.
- Avoid Talking About Your Claim: You may receive calls or emails from property managers, property owners, or insurance companies looking to gain information and protect themselves. You’re not required to speak to these people. In particular, be wary of any calls from insurance companies offering you quick compensation. Once you’ve hired an attorney, these conversations should occur only with the attorney present. Always tell your attorney if you receive any of these types of calls.
- Speak to an Attorney: The local, knowledgeable, Washington D.C. attorneys at Lawfty Law are highly experienced in slip-and-fall matters. We are available 24/7 and there are no fees to speak to us about your case. We’ll be there to help you every step of the way.
Schedule a Free Consultation with Lawfty Law Today!
Since 2013, the attorneys at Lawfty Law have recovered millions of dollars for Washington D.C. accident victims.
If you or a loved one has been injured in a slip and fall accident and suspect that someone’s negligence is to blame, you may be entitled to compensation!
Sign up for a free attorney consultation using the form below, and speak with us about your accident today.
The consultation is always free, and so is the peace of mind that follows.
The Most Dangerous Times to be On the Road!
In a recent study, the International Institute of Highway Safety noted that in the year 2017 alone, there were over 37,000 deaths due to motor vehicle accidents in the United States.
It’s common knowledge that whenever we get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle – we’re potentially risking our lives as it could very well result in an accident.
Albeit not an accident that we’ve directly caused, the risk is still there, and the risk for something more fatal is there as well.
Sure – we can practice safe driving, abide by all the traffic laws, we can wear our seatbelts, and signal when we change lanes or merge, but sadly, some motor vehicle accidents are simply a product of their environment.
By this, we mean that sometimes, certain roadways and areas can become incredibly crowded, see: rush hour.
To help educate everyone, we here at Lawfty Law have put together a list of the most dangerous times to be on the road.
Rush Hour
It’s no secret – if there are more cars on the road, there is an increased likelihood that a motor vehicle accident will occur.
Rush hour is the epitome of traffic all across the United States, and certainly leads to its fair share of crashes.
However, what’s also important to remember is that rush hour is when the majority of drivers have just left their job, and could most likely be frustrated with their job and the events of their day – most drivers are also tired during this time.
So, we now have an influx of motor vehicles, being operated by tired, angry, human beings – a recipe for eventual chaos!
It’s widely known and reported on by numerous studies that there is an influx in motor vehicle accidents between the hours of 3:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M., and by practicing safe driving, or by avoiding this time altogether – the chances of being involved in a fatal accident can be decreased dramatically.
If for some reason you must be on the road in this three-hour window, it’s crucial to make sure that you observe all traffic laws, wear your seatbelt, reduce the urge to speed, and never engage in road rage!
Poor Weather
The Federal Highway Administration has noted in the past that more than 20% of all motor vehicle accidents are weather-related.
This is truly a no-brainer, as we all realize that driving during a snowstorm, a tornado, or in an onslaught of hail is a mistake, and should be avoided at all costs, as it can save not only your life but the life of any of your passengers.
Most motor vehicle accidents that occur in bad weather are due to a few key factors, such as
- Wet Pavement
- Poor Sight Distance
- Inability to Stop Completely
National Holidays
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), estimated there were over 10,800 motorists killed due to alcohol-impaired driving crashes in just 2017 alone.
To put it in perspective, that’s roughly one death every hour.
USA Today put together a list of the busiest travel days in the United States, the top six are as follows:
- Christmas
- New Year’s
- Thanksgiving
- Fourth of July
- Memorial Day Weekend
- Labor Day Weekend
Obviously, it’s difficult to not travel on holidays – people want to spend time with their family, get out to the beach, or a barbecue, but it’s important to remember that holidays bring drinking, and drinking means people are generally less responsible – and, that some people may actively choose to drink and drive.
The Summer
The IIHS found that the summer and the fall are the two seasons that produce the most motor vehicle accidents, and they also noted that many of the motor vehicle-related deaths that have occurred in the summer are due to the fact that Americans tend to take to the road more in the warmer weather.
When you analyze the summer, you also have to take into consideration the fact that many people will be drinking – whether that be at the beach, a pool, or a barbeque, this also aids in the number of deaths that occur during the summer, because not only is there an influx in drivers altogether, there’s also a potential influx of impaired drivers.
Researchers also noted that inexperienced drivers on the road and the dramatic shift in weather (intense heat) can play a big role in motor vehicle accidents spiking as well. Road-work and construction also pick up in the summer, as the weather allows workers to be outside working for longer periods of time to complete projects – however, this does bring about detours, closed lanes, and temporary gridlock.
It may be the best season to enjoy time with your family, friends, and the great outdoors, but it’s important to not let your fun impede your driving abilities and the ability to stay safe.
The Weekend
Several studies have shown that Saturday is in fact the deadliest day to be on the open road.
As it’s the first day free after five days of work and school, numerous individuals are typically busy running errands, traveling, and are out and about with their family.
If you can stay in on a Saturday, and travel safely on a Sunday – it may be worth it to make that change!
Schedule a Free Consultation with Lawfty Law Today!
Our Team of Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyers Work Hard to Prove Your Case.
Since 2013, the attorneys at Lawfty Law have recovered millions of dollars for Washington D.C. accident victims.
If you or someone you love has been injured in a motor vehicle accident and suspect that someone’s negligence is to blame, you may be entitled to compensation!
Sign up for a free attorney consultation using the form below, and speak with us about your accident.
The consultation is always free, and so is the peace of mind that follows.
For immediate assistance, please call us at (202) 335-4854.
Multi-Car Accident? Here’s What to Do Next.
It’s no secret that a motor vehicle accident is a traumatic event for all parties involved.
It can lead to property damage, severe injuries, stress, depression, and plenty more.
But, what happens when it’s not just two motor vehicles? What happens when it’s a pile-up?
In this blog article, Lawfty Law will be discussing what to do if you or someone you love has been involved in a multi-car motor vehicle accident in Washington D.C. – because as always, we’re here to help!
It’s a Not-So-Simple Chain Reaction
A multi-car accident in simpler terms is a chain reaction.
And, in the event of a multi-car accident, the police officers who respond to the scene to survey the damage will work to figure out who was at fault for the chain reaction that caused the accidents.
With that in mind, it’s quite important to remember to not move your motor vehicle after a multi-car accident. Staying safe after it took place is key in preventing any further damage from being done to your vehicle, or yourself and others.
However, if the accident took place on an interstate or a busy surface street, it may be a good idea to move your vehicle to a safer location to prevent causing any additional pile-ups.
Also, regardless of where the accident took place, it’s imperative that you and any of your passengers stay in the vehicle. Do not in any way risk getting out of your vehicle until the police and any other emergency services arrive and secure the scene.
Which Driver is at Fault Here?
When determining which driver is at fault for a multi-car accident, driver testimony and the scene of the accident will help aid in figuring out which driver will be listed as at fault on the crash report.
However, it can become difficult to uncover if any of the drivers were speeding, distracted, or even under the influence and if that directly impaired their driving ability.
Often times when dealing with a multi-car pile-up, insurance companies will not want to pay for damages, especially if several of the parties have claims. Each individual driver’s insurance company will try to pass liability/partial liability, in an effort to help decrease their obligation.
Each time Lawfty Law meets someone who was involved in a multi-car motor vehicle accident, we tell them the same potential piece of advice: Don’t try to handle this dispute on your own – it’s a slippery slope.
Insurance companies will only listen to cold-hard facts, and an experienced motor vehicle accident attorney can work to help you rectify the situation and magnify the other parties’ fault using information, reenactment, and witness testimony.
Washington D.C. Multi-Car Motor Vehicle Accident Attorneys Ready to Help Any People Injured in an Accident
The Three Big Mistakes People Make After an Accident
When you’re out on the open road in Washington D.C., even the smallest type of mistake can prove to be costly, or even fatal.
Similarly, if you or someone you love has been involved in a motor vehicle accident in Washington D.C., a small, misguided idea or mistake can harness enough power that it can ultimately derail your entire accident claim, undoing the work of your attorneys.
You could potentially see a reduction in the credibility of your case or claim, the compensation associated with your motor vehicle accident can become greatly lowered, and you may even have your entire claim dismissed altogether.
What type of mistake could cause this? What could I have done? It’s simple.
At Lawfty Law, when our attorneys are working with our clients, helping them with their Washington D.C. motor vehicle accident claims, we tell our clients to avoid doing three simple things until it’s all said and done.
Those three things are:
- Posting About Your Motor Vehicle Accident on Social Media.
- Discussing Your Motor Vehicle Accident with Other People.
- Ignoring Medical Appointments & Medical Advice.
Following these three key rules after any motor vehicle accident will certainly help in making sure that your attorneys are able to work towards providing you with the justice and compensation that you deserve!
Posting About Your Motor Vehicle Accident on Social Media
Each and every Washington D.C. motor vehicle accident claim that we handle requires discipline when it comes to messaging.
Certain photos or social media posts can become disruptive to an accident claim and can become powerful enough that they contradict the narrative your attorney is attempting to put forward on your behalf.
One post on Facebook or Instagram can increase the risk of long-lasting consequences – and not in your favor!
In this day and age, where technology is in the palm of our hands around the clock, it’s important to realize that you’re not alone and that insurance adjusters and insurance agents most likely use social media as well.
If you post as if nothing happened, but have made a claim that you’re injured, it will be very difficult for your attorney to make the case that your quality of life has been turned upside down.
Discussing Your Motor Vehicle Accident With Other People
If you’ve been involved in a motor vehicle accident in Washington D.C. – it’s clearly going to be a topic of conversation among your family, friends, and co-workers.
Sadly, our attorneys have seen many cases where people are driven to make the details of their motor vehicle accident public and a topic of concern for anyone that they may cross paths. In doing so, small steps are unknowingly being taken to hurt them in the end.
It’s wise to make sure that you choose to speak to the right people about your accident – those people being the police, your family, and your attorneys.
It’s also best to make sure that when you do speak with an attorney, you provide them with all of the appropriate details.
Ignoring Medical Appointments & Medical Advice
If you’ve just been involved in a motor vehicle accident here in Washington D.C., it’s crucial that you maintain the regimen that your primary care physician has laid out for you, that way, the road to recovery is short and impactful.
If you’ve scheduled any additional follow-ups with your doctor, or a specialist, it’s in your best interest to make sure you not only attend but keep a record and log of all information and injuries.
Failing to do so can certainly aid in the questioning of whether or not you’ve actually been hurt, and if your claim even warrants compensation at all.
If you or someone you love has sustained injuries in a Washington D.C. motor vehicle accident, the attorneys at Lawfty Law are here to help.
Low-Impact Collisions Could Lead to Major Injuries
The myth that high speeds and reckless driving are the only cause of motor vehicle accidents is just that, a myth!
In fact, motor vehicle accidents in Washington D.C. can be caused by a number of different circumstances.
Texting and driving, talking on the phone, fidgeting with the radio or the GPS – all of these can also lead to accidents.
A very common type of motor vehicle accident is a low-impact collision.
A low-impact collision is caused when a driver hits another motor vehicle while driving at a speed that is usually less than 15 MPH.
Some examples of these collisions would be:
- Backing Up Into a Parked Vehicle in a Parking Lot
- Rear-Ending the Vehicle in Front of You in ‘Stop-and-Go’ Traffic
- Sideswiping a Traffic Pole, Telephone Pole, or other Stationary Objects
At Lawfty Law, we truly take pride in helping individuals who’ve been involved in and injured in motor vehicle accidents all across the Washington D.C. area. From the consultation to the settlement, our attorneys will be there for anyone injured until the end.
Common Types of Injuries from Low-Impact Collisions
One of the most common and most well-known injuries that is a direct result of a low-impact accident is whiplash.
Whiplash is a specific type of injury that can abruptly cause quite severe neck issues.
More often than not, severe damage occurs when one motor vehicle is not moving and is suddenly struck by another vehicle.
This sudden impact can directly cause hyperextension to a person’s neck, which in turn would potentially cause herniated disks and/or nerve damage.
This can cause a wide array of issues to a person’s back, neck, and future quality of life.
These types of car accidents also target the lumbar and spine area upon impact.
This area is comprised of the largest vertebrae as well as the strongest muscles of the spine – and, injuries to such an area can have life-altering effects. It’s also possible for a person to sustain spinal cord injuries in a low-impact accident, which can lead to the need for spinal surgery, or even in some of the more horrific situations, total and complete paralysis.
Other Injuries from Low-Impact Collisions:
- Headaches/Migraines
- Concussion/Dizziness
- Bone Fractures/Breaks
- Torn Ligaments
- Sprained/Strained Muscles
- Dislocated Bones/Limbs
- Lacerations/Bruising
The 3 Best Times to Call an Attorney
By Lawfty Law | July 21st, 2020
Injured in an accident? Not sure if you should call a Personal Injury Attorney?
Well, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered!
At Lawfty Law, one common remark we hear from our clients is that they didn’t know when to call us!
It doesn’t matter if your accident took place last week, last month, or five minutes ago – it’s important to reach out to an attorney before it’s too late and the window for justice and compensation has expired.
In this article, we’ll touch on the three best times to call an attorney and the reasons behind each.
Typically, one of three situations will unfold and spawn the decision to reach out to Lawfty Law:
- Realizing that you’ve sustained serious bodily injuries.
- Feeling upset, frustrated, and/or disappointed with the process of moving forward independently.
- The pressure, strain, and burden that the financial aspects of an accident can cause you and your family.
1) Realizing You’ve Sustained Serious Bodily Injuries:
At Lawfty Law, we understand the desire of our clients to undergo a quick & easy process after an accident.
If you or someone you love has been involved in an accident in Washington D.C., it’s important to remember that speaking with an attorney and also a primary care physician, is key when working towards repairing the damage that’s been done.
Like in law, letting injuries linger, may have costly impacts on your future! Your health is your best asset, so make sure you’re in control of what’s going on with your body.
It all starts with finding the proper care, medicine, and tools to put in place, so you can maximize your recovery options.
From there, you can focus on finding the proper legal representation to maximize the chance for a successful outcome in court.
2) Frustrated & Trying to Handle It Alone:
Before you say anything, just know, we completely understand.
It’s natural to want to handle a situation on your own, without any external help.
With that said, we also understand that’s not always possible.
With work, family, and recovering from your accident, it can be hard to find time for all of the paperwork and the phone calls, and even harder to remember every policy number and detail – people may not even want to relive the situation at all.
Thankfully, Lawfty Law is here to help you pick up the pieces and get the ball rolling in the right direction.
3) The Financial Pressure Starts Setting In:
We all know that accidents hurt, but they’re also costly.
Unfortunately, for most people, the hardest part of being involved in an accident is not recovering from being injured, but more so recovering financially from the damage caused.
Even if you decided to choose the cheapest possible deductions as far as insurance, you could still end up having to pay thousands of dollars that you may not even have to spare.
For some families, that can mean having to make tough decisions – especially in times like these, where unemployment is rising.
Here are some potential scenarios our attorneys commonly see:
- Lost Wages: If your accident was severe, most likely your injuries were too. This means you’ll probably be out of work for a while, which means your paycheck will see a sharp decrease. If your family is dependent on your income, it’s important to make sure you speak with an attorney.
- Medical Expenses: Medical expenses are incredibly costly. Between just seeing a doctor, and getting any prescriptions you may need to recover, it can end up costing a few thousand. Speak to an attorney about your situation and your options – it may be the best course of action in such a trying time.
- Property Damage: Even if the accident itself was entirely the fault of another person, you may be facing a few thousand in car repairs depending on what your insurance covers! Don’t be left alone to figure it out, we can help!
Since 2013, the attorneys at Lawfty Law have recovered millions of dollars for accident victims in the Washington D.C. area.
If you have been injured in an accident and suspect that someone’s negligence is to blame, you may be entitled to compensation.
Sign up using the form below, and speak with one of our attorneys about your accident.
The consultation is free, and so is the peace of mind that follows.
For immediate assistance, call us at (202) 335-4854. We look forward to assisting you in getting the justice that you deserve.